Livestock Show
September 20 - 27, 2025
LOCATION: The show will be held in the Livestock Pavilion behind the TITUS COUNTY CIVIC CENTER in MT. PLEASANT, TEXAS.
LIVESTOCK CO-CHAIR: Katy Heintz, Amanda Priefert, Nick Riecke
STEER SUPERINTENDENT: Jarred Conroy, (903) 563-3014
BROILER SUPERINTENDENT: Carolyn Brown (214) 755-8603
HOG SUPERINTENDENT: Nick Riecke (260) 241-7284
GOAT SUPERINTENDENT: Jeremy Grissom (903) 563-6070
HEIFER SUPERINTENDENT: Chad Taylor (903) 285-1963,
RABBIT SUPERINTENDENT: Hailey Gibson (903) 651-3848
AGRI MECHANICS CHAIRMAN: Stephanie Thomas, (903) 563-4328,
BREEDING EWE SUPERINTENDENT: Kathryn Heintz,(903) 305-5978,
BUCKET BOTTLE CALF DIVISION: Amanda Priefert, (903) 563-4114
BREEDING GILT SHOW: Scott Rodgers, (903) 285-2132
COMMERCIAL DOE: Serina Betts, (903) 575-8069
LIVESTOCK JUDGING: Nick Riecke (260) 241-7284
Callie Zoeller, (254) 223-4518
Lou Ann Rollins, (903) 572-5201
Mt. Pleasant - Susie Hearron, Blake Denson, Nick Riecke, Rance White
Chapel Hill - Alan Wright, Tracy Dicken, Jennifer Carter
Rivercrest - Kenny Swinford, Laci Cameron, Slaytr Hunnicutt
Harts Bluff - Brandon Scheu
2024 Titus County Fair Daily Livestock Schedule
Saturday September 21st
- Public Speaking Preliminary Contest – Chapel Hill JH/HS Library
- 8:00 AM – Registration
- 9:00 AM – Orientation
- 9:00 AM – Preliminary Contest
Monday September 23rd
- Floral Design – Titus County Extension Office
- 5:00 PM – 5:30 PM Check In
- 6:00 PM Contest Starts
Tuesday September 24th
- Ag Mech Move In – All Day
Wednesday September 25th
- Continue Ag Mech Move In – Must be on grounds by 2:00PM
- Cattle, Sheep, Goat and Hog Move In - Must be on grounds by 12:00PM
- 12:00 PM Check In all animals except Chickens and Rabbits
- 1:00 PM Farm Bureau Photo in T-Shirt for all Exhibitors
- 2:00 PM Weigh In everything that shows by weight
- 3:00 PM Ag Mech Check In
- 4:00 PM Bottle Calf Check In
- 5:00 PM Chicken Check In and Sift
- 6:00 PM Bottle Calf Show
- 7:00 PM Chicken Show
Thursday September 26th
- 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM Ag Education Day – Elementary Schools
- 2:00 PM Ag Mechanics Show
- 3:00 PM Commercial Doe Show
- Gilts - 30 minutes after Commercial Doe Show
- Heifer - 30 minutes after Gilts Show
- Breeding Ewes - 30 minutes after Heifer Show
- 5:00 PM Rabbit Check In and Sift
- 6:00 PM Rabbit Show
- 7:00 PM Public Speaking Finals (In show ring)
- 8:00 PM Ag Mech Winners Announced
Friday September 27th
- 8:00 AM Market Hogs
- Markets Goats - 30 minutes after Market Hog Show
- Market Lambs - 30 minutes after Market Goats Show
- Market Steers - 30 minutes after Market Lambs Show
- 6:00 PM or 30 minutes after Market Steers, whichever is later – Supreme Senior Showmanship
Saturday September 28th
- 9:00 AM Livestock Judging Contest – Open to the World
- 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM Special Friends Educational Experience
- 5:00 PM Sale of Champions – Supreme Showmanship and Public Speaking winners to be announced at start of sale
- 8:00 PM Begin to move out animals
The Youth Livestock Exhibitor
Code of Practice
I believe that my participation in the Junior Livestock Program should demonstrate my own ability, knowledge, and skill as a feeder and fitter of livestock. I will do my own work and only accept advice and support from others.
I will not use abusive or questionable techniques in the feeding, fitting and showing of my animals. I will not resort to fraudulent, illegal, or deceptive practices when fitting them for show. I also will not allow my parents, my supervisor, or any other adult to employ such practices to my animal.
I will read and understand the rules of all livestock shows in which I am a participant. I ask that my parents and the supervisor of my project animal not break the rules or make exception on my behalf. I wish for my livestock project to be an example of how to accept what life has to offer good and bad and how to live with the outcome.
I realize that I am responsible for:
-the proper care and treatment of my animals,
-the production of wholesome food,
-and the development of sound moral character in myself and others.
American National Bank | Antoine Albin |
Bates Cooper Sloan | Best Fender Products |
Big Tex | Bowie-Cass Electric Cooperative |
Brad & Amy Eubanks | Brad Lowry |
Braddocks Auto Trim & Tint | Bradfords LLC |
Brandon Milam | Brett & Christy Hart |
Brian Betts | Brookshires/Super One |
Bud & Micki Jo Posey | Buddy & Becky McCollum |
Carolyn Brown | Chad & Melody Henry |
Chad Parish | Chet Craig |
Chillz on Wheels | City Cleaners |
City National Bank | Conroy Tractor, Inc |
Cox Concrete | Cypress Bank |
David & Tonya Grider | Diamond C Trailers |
Diamond T Outfitters | Dr Senn |
East Texas Electric | East TX Fence/Kent Bassinger |
Edwards Jones Investment/Jay Jones | Elliott Auto Group |
Everything Yard | Farm Depot |
First Federal Community Bank | Gary's Gun & Pawn |
Georgia Poultry | Guaranty Bank & Trust |
H & R Distributors | Jackson Oil |
Jamie Bailey | Jeff Brown |
Jeff Welborn/State Farm | Jerry & Jennifer Wildman |
Joe & Brittani Lewis | Judy Easley |
Keri Paisley/Texas Farm Bureau Ins | Longhorn Trailer Sales |
Lori Chism, Attorney | Mabe Enterprises, Inc/ Tiffany & David Mabe |
Mardi Gras Crawfish/Terry & Sharon Cameron | Mark Morton |
Matt Terrell | McCoy Building Supply |
McKelvey Enterprises | Meagan Smith |
Moody Cattle Co | Nick's Feed & Grocery LLC |
Northeast Texas Blind and More |
Northwestern Mutual/Al Flanagan |
Patrick Redfearn Realty, LLC | Peoples Telephone/Scott Thompson |
Pilgrim Bank | Pilgrim's Pride Corp |
Pittsburg Steel | Pittsburg Tractor |
Priefert Manufacturing | Ray Strube |
Red Dot Auctioneers/Brett & Patti Thomas | Rickey & Ruth Swafford |
Rychlik's | Scott E Redfearn |
Shumate Floorcovering | Smith Waste Water |
Stansell Construction | Stone Livestock |
Sue Johnson & Charlotte Johnson, Realtor | Symmetry Turf |
Texas Country Farm Supply | The Pediatric & Northeast TX Pediatric Clinic |
Thurman's Pro Med Pharmacy | Titus Co Meat Processing Plant |
Titus County Farm Bureau | Titus County Vet Clinic |
Titus Regional Medical Center | TNT Automotive |
Todd Jaggers | Top Hat Trailers |
United Ag @ Turf / Ben Landrum | Vera Bank |
Warren Directional Drilling, Inc. | Wood A/C |
History: Livestock Auction:
2023 Grand and Reserve Champions
Steer - Grand - Christian Gonzales Reserve - Makenzie Taylor
Hogs - Grand - Boone Priefert Reserve - Bowdrie Priefert
Broilers - Grand - Lilly Cameron Reserve - Jake Gentry
Lambs - Grand - Rebecca Dunn Reserve - Chloe Snodgrass
Goats - Grand - Rebecca Dunn Reserve - Kenley Cochran
Rabbits - Grand - Peyton Seelbach Reserve - Kari Ottinger